Many, if not all of the calls at the Comm Station have no other real requirements other than to have completed the prior call in the series, or to have completed a call with another character, and then waiting a few days. However, some calls have additional requirements to become available, which may be confusing given that the others did not.
Perhaps the two most notable of these are the calls where Mochi provides the Archive Key, and the one where Viktor provides the Radiant Projector.
The Archive Key
Mochi’s third call, which provides you with the blueprint to fabricate the Archive Key, requires that you not only complete her prior calls, but also interact with certain research drones. If that is enough of a hint and you want to try unlocking it on your own, then do not proceed to the spoilers.
After bursting the Boom Gordo, look for this little fellow!
And after bursting the Flutter Gordo, find this cheerful guy!
After several in game days, you should get your call from Mochi.
The Radiant Projector
Viktor's fourth call will provide you with the blueprint to create Radiant Projectors; essential for opening the puzzles to gain access to the Grey Labyrinth. If you are out exploring the world and completing Viktors other calls, it should be easy enough get this call, but if you want to know the details, click the Spoilers below!
After having completed Viktor's third call and either the Boom or Flutter Gordo have been burst, you should receive the call with the blueprint after several days have passed.
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